So if I were to summarize my time in Cañita de Cheppo this is how it would look:
-A bug crawled in my ear while I was sleeping
-I had a staring contest with a bull
-I ate coffee and Oreos for nearly every meal
-I went to a drunk softball tournament
-Had some interesting conversations with a cat
-AND I watched a teacher scream at a crying 4-year-old for nearly fifteen minutes
I'd say it was fairly productive week in the jungle of Panama Este....
I guess to elaborate I was woken up during the middle of a wonderful nap by a terribly uncomfortable sensation of something making its way into my ear....since I woke up with ants crawling all over me the night before I had to assume that is the little critter that had made its way into my head. So after waking up startled and a little confused I remembered what our PCMO (Peace COrps Medical Officer) said to do if a bug crawls in your ear= Pour water in your ear drown the sucker for a good minute then shake the remaining water out of your ear. Good news is it worked though it gave me a bit of swimmers ear. I will tell you though it is the most unnatural sensation listening and feeling something crawling around in your ear.
Some of the other ones are a little more self explanatory but I will say that I was NOT drunk at said softball tournament it was mostly the players drinking to excess as well as the rest of the attendees which was hilarious, until they started getting a little grabby with us gringas and we promptly left the premises
So that was a good ole time please feel free to have me elaborate on any number of things.
Hasta pronto
Ummmm, I think the other items deserve some elaboration as well! Who won the staring contest? What did the cat have to say? Do you now dunk your Oreos? And, truly, I am interested to hear more about what you're learning about the role of teachers, pedagogy, how you may do things differently and how you'll handle it as an outsider....