March 3, 2013
Panamá city was superbien it was much like any other city but it definitely had some pana flourishes to it. They had us doing yet another scavenger hunt starting from Santa Rita we had to get ourselves to the main terminal Albrook and the Mall then to the interior city. We got to the terminal without any problems and it was awesome taking advantage of the Diablo Rojo system to get there. The terminal was like a super mall it was so clean and open and absolutely overwhelming. We didn't even take the time to check out the mall for fear that we would be just as overwhelmed as we were going to the mall near the ciudad del saber (city of knowledge). So we took advantage of the access to some slight luxuries buying our weight in iced coffee and dulce de leche munchkins from Dunkin Donuts and using a REAL BATHROOM that flushes and has toilet paper and soap and hand dryers and doesn't smell.... it was totally worth the 25 cents.
We then proceeded to take the new metro buses into the city to start our adventure picking up treats along the way like some ice cream at the grocery store and things of that sort. Our group finished quicker than expected so naturally we figured we would treat ourselves to a lunch out in the city before heading back to the campo. We stumbled along this hidden treasure Mar de Gao as we were meandering about and got treated to some AMAZING peruvian seafood dishes we ate our weight in food and then stumbled back to the terminal.
After getting back we got ready for Aja's suprise-not-so-surprise birthday party and had a blasty blast of gringo time hanging out eating cake and ice cream and singing songs and having just a swell ole' time.
Now to make it back to my home in the pouring rain... yay tropical weather.
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