Well... not really but I mean for part of that time my iPad was dead because I lost the charger, but once I got another one you would've thought I would be eagerly trying to catch everyone up and let them know I was alive.... I guess I just didn't do that. Sorry, I guess I caught a case of some serious Pana pereza... or I was just really really lazy and laying around in a hammock reading books seemed a lot more appealing than writing about how I was sitting around reading in a hammock sorryimnotreallysorry.
I guess you could say a lot of things have happened recently, like six months of things. Christmas in Panama came and went as did New Years and my friend Zak from Argentina came to visit and oh yea there was GAD camp last week. I won't try and remember and record the exact emotional responses I had to each of those things but I could manage a few just so the three people who actually read this blog can stop yelling at me for updates.
Christmas, was different, I missed my family a bunch but I drank a lot of sangria and ronponcho (kinda like eggnog) and ate stupid amounts of cookies and ceviche and hung out with my boyfriend's friend's family. It was relaxed but I would say I definitely prefer Christmas when there is snow on the ground and a bunch of insane gringos running around trying to cook everything and drinking too much wine in the process, it just ain't Christmas without those crazy gringos....
New Years was interesting a bunch of us went to the city to celebrate because we thought that's where the party was at... it wasn't. Panama City goes dead during New Years, apparently it is considered more of a holiday than Christmas so most people stay in with their families or go to the beach. It was a like a ghost town but we still managed to have a rad time the way only PC gringos can.
My friend Zak came to visit for a night after he was vacationing in Costa Rica with his fam. We had fun, we drank beers, and caught up on the last four years. It was awesome how little had changed since I had last seen him in Mendoza Argentina. Things were swell we had serious philosophical discussions and got mildly intoxicated... so things were pretty much the same. Then he went frolicking off to some other part of the country the next morning.
GAD camp I think should get it's own post so I will do that one next but seriously not much is going on right now. It is summer vacation for another month and in that time I will be marking my ONE YEAR IN PANAMA, now that is some seriously crazy shit. Surreal really... geezzzz soon the next group of gringos will be here and it will kinda be like our group is the new Seniors in High School, because yea Peace Corps is pretty much like every other academic hierarchy we have ever experienced since the beginning of time, and I imagine it will continue on like this forever, in jobs, in the PTA, it's life I guess I'll deal with it.
ahh! you're looking great chica! nice update :) miss you mucho!