Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Crowning of Miss Pedasi

May 18, 2013

Soooo you are all now in the presence of royalty! I, Melissa Starr Boudrye have been crowned Miss Queen Pedasi, you should all be honored. lolzzz 

SO here's how it happened: 

Myself, Erin, Erin's host sister Clau, her boyfriend Francis decided we needed a break from campo life and made the trek to Pedasi, a little hippie beach town a little bit outside of Las Tablas, Los Santos. Clau and her boyfriend used to live in the area so they got us an awesome deal on a room right in the middle of town, which was great because Erin and I both seem to be struggling with our Peace Corps budgeting... 

After a HUGE dinner of Chinese food we decided to take a nap to gear up for our wild night on the town. Once we were refreshed and looking semi decent we went into the town to a local bar owned by a bunch of Argentinians (so obviously I felt right at home). Clau told us that there was a talent contest that night and that the girl who won would get a free margarita, so I figured I might as well sign up, I could sing a little diddy and at least have fun being spontaneous for a night. Turns out it was NOT a talent contest but a pretty legit competition to be crowned Miss Pedasi.... whoops. 

The first portion was a Latin dance competition so I BS'd it as best I could but I'm going to be honest I didn't know what the hell I was doing, there was one other gringa in the competition so she and I just danced together laughing like a bunch of lunatics as we made absolute fools out of ourselves. 

The Second Portion was a runway walk... again what the hell?? I kicked off my broken cutaras (sandals sp?) and walked down the runway trying not to trip or burst out laughing again, my friends and some other PC volunteers who showed up at the bar were having a laugh riot taking pictures of all of us, though I seemed to be the only one who wasn't taking it seriously. 

After the second round they eliminated a good number of the girls until there were just four of us left.... and who'd a thunk I would be in the top four...not me. Then came the third round the QUESTIONNAIRE, basically an opportunity for the local guys to ask us ladies a bunch of mildly inappropriate questions in Spanish, and a perfect time for me to once again make a fool out of myself.  

After the third round came the final judgement and it was down to just the four of us ladies; myself, the other gringa, a local, and a stunningly beautiful Colombian. I had no expectations for this portion as I was standing there sweating and looking mildly shabby in the only nice-ish clothes I brought with me and I was standing there looking a fool next to these stunningly beautiful girls dressed to the nine's in their heels and their skin tight club dresses, basically I figured there would be prizes First through third and then one of us would just receive a gracious thank you for participating. The other gringa got called up first and she received a bouquet of flowers and a sash, then the local girl got called up and received a bouquet and a sash, then it was down to the Colombian and myself. So naturally I thought to myself, well shit she is going to get the first prize and then they will thank me for my participation and I will walk away mildly ashamed. So I tuned out when they gave the Colombian her bouquet of flowers and a sash and then I received my sash with no flowers and sat down with my friends after a semi-awkward curtsey to the audience. 

BUT then the owner came up to me and handed me an envelope with $40 and with a smile said, "Here is your prize Reina of Pedasi"..... I stood there stunned WTF???? Then my friends bust out laughing, "YOU WON YOU STUPID IDIOT"..... whoops, I just assumed that I didn't win because I didn't get any flowers, but it turns out I got cash instead- HOLLAAAAAA. So there ya have it folks I am royalty get on my level. :) 

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