Friday, April 5, 2013

Semana Santa

It's been weird not being home for family gatherings but being here in Panama makes you quickly forget about pretty much any sort of traditional holidays. For Good Friday I went with Keara and Erin to my family's finca out in the campo (country home) it was AWESOME. We spent the entire day in hammocks taking naps and jammin on the geetar and eating copious amounts of food.

It is technically my host grandmother's house and when I think of Peace Corps this is what I expected. It was cool and surrounded by rolling hills and orange trees and sugar cane and it was equipped with rancho's and rivers and things. My host mom was telling us about how they make chicha (juice) from sugar cane by pushing the cane through a turny thing that is pushed by horse. Erin and I took turns pushing the thing around, it was a lot harder than it looked. For lunch we ate some strange paste like yellow gunk with rice and beans and spaghetti with tuna? It was interesting but not terrible.

Highlights of the day include:

Writing a song about our training group to the tune of "Good Riddance"
Watching a herd of cattle meandering to the river
Drinking Sugar Cane juice. it was green
Trekking to the nearest bus was an adventure apparently no one is really hospitable during Holy Week so we walked for a long while
Finding out that eating pigeons has a miracle like quality of healing if eaten in a soup...

It was an incredible day and I loved being out in the fresh air away from the stench of burning trash and I hope to be able to get back there before we head into our sites.

We ended the night as we went to Part two of Santa RIta's Passion of the Christ performance, it was impressive to say the least, so impressive that it took four nights of 4 hour performances to get through the entire process but it was probably the most exciting thing that has ever come to Santa RIta, and as such it was well equipped reporters and videographers and important people it was wild.
Alright... that's all for now

Ta ta

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