Wednesday, February 13, 2013


January 9, 2013

I’ve begun reading The Explorer’s Guide to Panama, bought for me by my lovely brother and so far it is fantastic! So far I’ve learned that Panama is home to about 1,200 species of orchid and a booming 678 species of ferns…apparently more than 10,000 species of flora have been identified. I feel like the word flora just seems so pretentious, but who am I to judge the vocabulary used by prestigious travel guides? The most interesting of all the flora information was perhaps that of the “epiphytes,” which for those of you who don’t know are arboreal nesters that trap moisture directly from the air and festoon host tree trunks and boughs [whatever that means]. Some of them have spiky leaves that trap both falling water and air water and even BUGS!! I know that this is all truly stimulating information, but who knows maybe some of you readers will enjoy learning about this.

I am, however, excited to be surrounded by orchids, I mean some people pay a lot of money for those things and I get to be around them all the time fo’ FREE…expect a lot of pictures of these pretty things. The book also touches on the types of fruit that I will be coexisting with; bananas, papayas, mangoes [not that exciting since you can get them just around the corner at your local supermercado] but I will get the opportunity to try guavas (guyaba), passion fruit (chinola), as well as sapote and tamarindo. I have no idea what any of that means or how they taste but I am sure I will soon become quite familiar with my new fruity friends.

Alright, so enough of this mind-blowingly enticing information…I have a confession to make: I don’t like bananas. I know I am strange and this may come as an offense to my more primitive ancestors but I can’t find my fondness for them…I don’t know why. It may have something to do with only eating bananas and pancakes for the first several years of my life but seeing as how bananas and plantains may be the most common portion of my panamanian diet I think I am going to have to suck it up and eat that mushy awkwardly textured specimen.

So I think that is enough of THAT… and I am going to keep on reading so that I can share even more captivating panama knowledge.

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